These patients can be referred by other doctors or come directly to Womana for consultation by Prof V Tanos. Women with pathological findings found accidentally during their annual check-ups, symptomatic women suffering from menorrhagia, chronic and/or acute pelvic pain and other problems that were not solved and patients suffer.
Gynecological Surgery
Gynecological Surgery: Application of endoscopy together with microsurgery techniques. Office Hysteroscopy for treating small lesions like polyps, myometrial exploration for adenomyosis can be performed as office procedures with conscious sedation saving the patient general anaesthesia and extra costs if she likes. In cases with bigger lesions submucous and intramural fibroids or large polyps operative hysteroscopy with modern tools like hysteroscopic shaver can be used with excellent results. Essure coils can by inserted hysteroscopically in the Fallopian tubes for contraceptive reason or for treating hydrosalpinges.
Trans vaginal laparoscopy (TVL)
Trans vaginal laparoscopy (TVL) for cases with chronic pelvic pain, small cysts <3cm, mild adhesions, high risk patients for ovarian cancer screening and / or ruling out ovarian cancer. TVL resembles to colonoscopy. All these operations are treated as day case procedures.
Women with recurrent abortions are becoming very emotional and want to know the reason that led their pregnancy to abortion between 3 and 13 weeks of gestation. This technique diagnose the vast majority of the reason for an abortion since an endoscope can observe in situ the embryo and its surrounding environment i.e. placenta amniotic cavity decidua etc. The embryo/s are captured directly by forceps and send to cytogenetic analysis. It can diagnose congenital malformations and can provide the clue for preventive treatment in the next pregnancy.
I perform all gynaecological operations by standard laparoscopy and minilaparoscopy 3mm ports with excellent operative outcome, including severe endometriosis, adhesions, myomectomies, hysterectomies, salpingostomy, cystectomy etc.