Welcome (Newsletter Jan. 2017)
Dear readers
It is with great pleasure, that we prepared the web site of WOMANA, for every woman and mother, in order to provide information and answers to your concerns, on general and specific issues of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
We have written 30 original articles covering the hot topics of ObGyn dealing with preventive medicine, menopause, endoscopic surgery, breast disease, urinary stress incontinence etc. We tried to cover the most controversial points of the causes, diagnosis and treatment methods for ObGyn diseases and increase awareness about prevention in breast, ovarian, endometrial and cervical cancers.
These articles have been written based on scientific evidence and in simple language. The first articles inform you about the latest protocols on diagnosis and treatments on ObGyn matters. The different sections will be updated monthly and will be supplemented by new texts every 3-4 weeks. The readers can ask questions and get answers in a relatively short time.
The scientific perspective, the evidence based medical data and logical reasoning is the fundamentals of the arguments and expression of modern medicine. Respect and dignity to the suffering woman guides our efforts to provide high quality medical care in Obstetrics and Gynecology.
Knowledge and prevention is Womana – Force of Life
With best wishes
Vasilios Tanos MD PhD,
Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, St. George’s Medical School at the University of Nicosia and Aretaeio Hospital in Nicosia